Looks are everything… almost. But that’s why we took the time to research and develop a good design that will please the eye and make your website stand out from the others. The graphics are simple, yet effective and lead to a great visual effect.
We have a simple and effective shortcode manager. You can simply insert shortcodes with just a few clicks in no time. We also have the shortcodes listed and displayed in the the feature list in our menu. Check them out.
The contact page is built using reCaptcha. That means you won’t have to worry about anybody trying to take down your website or flood it with mails. And we’ve also made it black to fit the theme. That also is a premiere in reCaptcha as far as we know.
You can choose a full width / boxed layout. Then select an infinite number of colors, many patterns and other customizing features, all you need is some patience to find the ones that suit your website best. You’ll love the possibilities!
Here is where you can add a short description of the items you want to show. Easy to set up and has a great visual impact! The content scroller can be set up to be displayed on every page or just on the front page.